Peptide kaufen - Custom Peptide Synthesis Service - Best quality guaranteed ! *** Peptide<>Plasmide<>Proteine<>Antikörper<>einfach<>zuverlässig<>kaufen ***
 +49 (0)1575 807 6839  Peptidsyntheseservice & Antikörperherstellung



Products protected by valid patents are not offered for 'commercial' sale in countries where the sale of such products constitutes patent infringement, but are offered solely for uses reasonably related to the development and submission of information under a law regulating the manufacture, use or sale of drugs. It is within the buyer’s responsibility and liability to check the patent situation of the product in the imported market(s)


vertreten durch Genosphere BT Kundenservice in Deutschland. Wir bieten Ihnen einen umfassenden Service bei der Herstellung und Synthese von Peptiden, Proteinen, synthetischen Genen und Antikörpern. eMail:

All services and sales are made in the name and for the account of Genosphere Biotech, Paris.

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